
Ph. D. Communication Arts & Sciences, 2024.

Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA.

M. A. Communication Studies, 2015.

Baylor University. Waco, TX.

B. S. Communication Studies, 2012.

Appalachian State University. Boone, NC.

B. A. English, 2012.

Appalachian State University. Boone, NC.

Academic Appointment

Assistant Professor of Humanities & Communication, Fall 2022 - Present. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott.

Instructor of Record:

HU 330 (Values & Ethics).

HU 145 (Special Topics: Rhetoric of Crisis Communication).

HU 112 (Rhetoric of Social Justice).

COM 219 (Public Speaking).

COM 122 (Freshman Composition).

Assistant director of Cas 100, Summer 2019 - Spring 2020. Department of communication arts & sciences, Pennsylvania state University.

Graduate Assistant, Fall 2015 - Present. Department of Communication Arts & Sciences, Pennsylvania State University.

Instructor of Record: 

CAS 101 (Introduction to Human Communication).

CAS 210 (Landmark Speeches in Democracy and Dissent).

CAS 475 (Rhetoric & Public Address).

CAS 138 (Rhetoric and Civic Life).Two semester sequence.

137 (Rhetoric and Civic Life).

CAS 100A (Effective Speech).

CAS 100B (Group Speaking).

CAS 100C (Message Analysis).

CAS 100D (Speech Anxiety).

Teaching Assistant:

CAS 101 (Introduction to Human Communication).

CAS 311 (Rhetorical Criticism).

CAS 426 (Communication Ethics).

CAS 422 (Contemporary African American Communication).

CAS 100D (Speech Anxiety).

Graduate Assistant, Fall 2013 - Summer 2015. Communication Studies Department, Baylor University.

Research Assistant: Dr. Martin J. Medhurst, Rhetoric & Public Affairs


Koons, Caroline. "Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of African American Folksong in the 1930s, by Jonathan W. Stone." (2024): 118-121.

Caroline C. Koons, "The Rhetorical Legacy of 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'" Southern Communication Journal 80 (2015): 211-229.

Public Lecture

“Broadside Ballads: Composing civic harmony between declaration and inauguration” Library of Congress, rare book and special collections division. May 16, 2019.

Membership Coordinator & Steering committee memer, American Society for the History of Rhetoric, 2024-2026.

National Service / Leadership

Honorable Mention, American society for the history of rhetoric Top Student paper award, 2021.

Liberal arts teaching and research scholarship, College of the liberal arts, Penn state university, summer 2020.

The Kathryn DeBoer Award for Excellence in teaching by a graduate student, 2019.

Honors & Awards

Dissertation Research award, Research and Graduate studies office, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn state University, 2019.

Dissertation Fellow, Center for democratic deliberation, 2018-2019.

Ethics in Engineering Competition, team mentor. 2024-present. (four students mentored per year)

Emma Lutz, Southern States Communication Association’s Theodore Clevenger Undergraduate Honors Conference, 2021 Top Paper Panel for “Rhetorical Ethos in Female Social Movement Leaders.” Originally written for our Fall 2020 Public Address course.

Greydon Tomkowitz, Rhetoric society of America, 2022. essay accepted for presentation on Lincoln’s religious rhetoric. Paper originally written for our Spring 2021 Landmark Speeches in Democracy and Dissent course.

Student Mentorship

National Communication Association

Rhetoric Society of America

American Society for the History of Rhetoric

Southern states communication Association

coalition of feminist scholars in the history of rhetoric and composition

Organization Memberships


“Access, Affect, and Ethics: the Pros and Cons of AI in Podcasting” roundtable, 2025 Southwest Popular/American Culture Association conference. Roundtable discussion with Amelia Chesley and Phillipe Chauveau. February 20-23, 2025.

“Best Practices for Accessibility and Media Literacy” roundtable, Humanities Podcast Network (international conference). November 7-9, 2024. Roundtable discussion with Amelia Chesley, Phillipe Chauveau, and Jonathan Adams (United States Military Academy). Roundtable recording available at:

“Harmonizing Repertoires: Refining the Sound of the Civil Rights Movement, 1959-1964,” 110th National Communication Association Annual Conference. November 20-24, 2024.

“Just a Song: Rhetoric of Authorship and Strategic Copyright of ‘We Shall Overcome’,” Rhetoric Society of America Conference 2024. May 23-26, 2024.

“Recomposing America’s Musical Identity: Philadelphia Concert Halls and Theodore Thomas at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876,” 109th National Communication Association Annual Conference. November 16-19, 2023.

“Teaching Style in the Public Speaking Classroom: Shakespeare, Sir Mix-a-Lot, and One Direction in Translation,” 109th National Communication Association Annual Conference. November 16-19, 2023.

“Recomposing America’s Musical Identity: Philadelphia Concert Halls and Theodore Thomas at the Centennial Exhibition of 1876,” 109th National Communication Association Annual Conference. November 16-19, 2023.

“Freedom Rider Voice: Musical Disruption in Hinds County Jail and Parchman Prison, 1961” 108th National Communication Association Conference. November 17-20th, 2022.

“Singing Against the Silence: Prison Hospitality and the 1961 Freedom Rider Sonic Archive” 106th National Communication Association Annual Conference. Virtual Event. November 19-22, 2020.

"Sonified Space: Sublime Listening and Gravitational Waves," Symposium on Sound, Rhetoric and Writing. Nashville, TN, September 7-8, 2018.

"A Rhetorical Harmonia: Pythagoras, Aristotle, and the Pythagorean Women in Ancient Civic Rhetoric," 18th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Minneapolis, MN, May 30-June 2, 2018.

“Sonified Outer Space: ‘Hearing’ and Composing Interstellar Rhetoric,” 103rd National Communication Association Annual Conference. Dallas, TX, November 16-18, 2017. Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine.

“The Sweet Strains of Persuasion,” Michele Kennerly and Caroline Koons, 103rd National Communication Association Annual Conference. Dallas, TX, November 16-18, 2017. American Society for the History of Rhetoric.

“Silence Unbraiding the Senses,” 103rd National Communication Association Annual Conference. Dallas, TX, November 16-18, 2017. Critical and Cultural Studies Division.

“’Solidarity Forever’: The Ego-Function of Performance in Labor Movement Songs,” 102nd National Communication Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA, November 10-13, 2016. Political Communication Division, Competitive Paper.

“Changing the Music of Temperance Women,” 17th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Atlanta, GA, May 26-29, 2016.

“Appeal to the People: Constraining Audience in Johnson’s ‘We Shall Overcome’ Address” 86th Southern State Communication Association Annual Convention. Austin, TX, April 6-10, 2016. Rhetoric and Public Address Division.

“Support and Dissent: ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ parodies through American Wars,” 101st National Communication Association Conference. Las Vegas, NV. November 19-22, 2015. Political Communication Division.

“Bloodlines and Homelands: The Anti-Colonization Advocacy of Charles Lenox Remond,” 100th National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, IL, November 20-24, 2014. African American Communication and Culture Division, Top Papers Panel.